Monday, May 4, 2020

Time Wasters

Do you ever have your day planned out in a way that will make it flow smoothly? You have everything in a nice time managed block that will allow for small hick ups as you go, and then boom right smack in the middle of everything going amazingly there's that one bully who fucks it all up.

Those are time wasters. They are selfish, mean, and they don't care about what plans you may already have they will demand your time.

My past 2 weeks have been nothing but 120 hours of my time wasted. It started with a "friend" who demanded I go with her to look at a car. She didn't ask ahead of time if I would, she didn't ask if I had anything I was doing. My life and my laundry didn't matter to her. It wasn't important because she needed to find a car right now. Honestly she only needed to find a car right now because she put herself in a position to be without a car. She had just ran off the same mistake she's made 4 times in a row and his mother wanted her car back.

So she texts me and asks if I can go, I said I didn't have anyone to watch the kids so she decided to LOAN my own daughter back to me for the time she wasted. BUT the school work I was doing with them that day didn't get done. Instead of doing my laundry I was bullied into wasting 3 hours of my life to go hours outside my comfort zone for someone who wouldn't do the same thing for me. She text me right before pulling in my driveway which told me she didn't care about my plans or needs.

I am sick of selfish humans in my life that do that. Every day since has been more of the same. Today I was trying to get that school work caught up while I only had 2 kids to worry about. I had planned to get my laundry done. I wash my clothes by hand because my OCD demands it be done a specific way. But instead of doing anything I was forced to waste 2 hours of my life to go to the store and rebuy the stuff I use because my husband/children misplaced my cleaning supplies and nobody knew where they put them. I was also forced to buy shit that stinks and is not the usual things I use. So now instead of drying on the line and getting plenty of sun bleaching they are sitting in a tub of water growing mildew until tomorrow.

But when I snap and go on a psycho spree everyone of these assholes is going to say they always thought I was off. But never will they admit how they pushed and pushed until I snapped.

The worst part is when I have actually said not to message, call, or text me after 9 pm unless its an emergency. I feel like I actually have individuals in my life who have an alarm set to remind them to text me after 9 for stupid shit. I can't turn my phone off because I have children who are grown and live outside of my house or I would just turn it off. Its just extremely rude of them and I feel like they are doing it intentionally just because I asked them not to. Or if I don't answer right away they get pissy and whine about how people don't keep up with the conversation. Like oops I fell asleep, how dare I do such a normal human thing.

I'm not allowed to have a life where I plan for myself. There is always someone who demands my time more than I need it. 

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