Yes I know we were so in love but there is only so much of the same stuff you can take before you get tired of it. I just couldn't put my money into getting the same hair mask, sunblock, and same colored eye shadows. How many Black eyeliners does one girl need? I contacted the Ipsycare link and all they told me was that items were selected based on my survey answers and reviews of product. Well I checked my survey and it said I was open to new things and experimenting with makeup, I even made sure to take off the brands for those specific items. On the review I gave them a very bad review and even made sure to check that the item was not for me. But the past 4 months I have gotten the same hair mask, sunblock, a black eye liner, and a pink lip product. I know they sent out other stuff because they like to tease you with what you might get. My last month included a cheap dollar store lip gloss that gave me a fever blister. I put in my survey that I did not want hair products or tools but they keep sending me that hair mask. I have a very bright red hair color and I have to be very careful of what I use so as not to fade it. I used the mask right before coloring and it pulled a lot of the color out of it. I can't imagine using it when its not about to be dyed.
That's why I was displeased with Ipsy and stopped my subscription. However, if you are new to makeup and want to give new things you've never heard of or wanted to try but were afraid to invest in, it is a good way to go. It is only $10 a month and in the past I was very pleased with the things I got. I will keep you informed if and when I start something new.
The mental rantings of a gothic princess, stay at home, beauty queen, fatass, soccer mom, felon! If you can't handle inside my head get out now!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Mental Rantings
Its been a bad end of the year for me. I don't even know where to start. I sometimes think people don't comprehend, or care, what its like being a mother with 8 children in a world where people think its crazy to have 3. Often times I wonder if they really know what its like to only know life as a mother. Here's a tidbit of a day of me!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Doom! Doom! Doom!
LOL! Ok so this post won't sound so bad, but at all risk of sounding like a doomsday prepper here are a few things I think we all need to do! Its fall! Colder weather is on its way. Meteorologist are predicting a very harsh winter for most of North America. These few things will help us to weather the storm, so to speak!
"Winter is Coming"
With the first day of fall done and over I feel a bit better! Mom has been dealing with a touch of cabin fever! Stuck in this house day in and day out has been getting to me. But with all this cooler weather I've been able to open the windows in this big old house and "air it out" in more ways than one.
Friday, August 1, 2014
It's a bittersweet day for me here. Today is the first day back to school for my children. Today is also Porkchop's first day of school. It seems like just yesterday he was born. Internally I'm emotional, but he is the 6th one to reach that age and its a little easier to control!. Paylay, my eldest, broke me in his very first day of school by locking himself in a bathroom stall and not coming out. We had to have a janitor come take the door off the hinges and get him out. By the time he was, I was so frustrated I was ready to leave him for the day! I'm sorry I've not posted much I've been getting things ready to go for school. My children will always come first on my priority list but I still love you y'all too! Louise and Moody Judy will be home schooled this year. I have a post on childhood mental illness and also one on bullying to go into more detail with our reasons for home school. I also have a requested review of different brands of false eyelashes with a tutorial of 3 different application methods.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Ipsy July 2014: Sensationally Sunkissed
So ipsy was less than fabulous this month but that happens! The bag was interesting in that it looks like a giant pink ravioli. The contents of this bag left me questioning if Ipsy actually read my profile or any of the reviews for the products they send. I nevered received a single shipping notice and tracking information.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Societal Assumptions
I've noticed that even though more women are standing up against gender assumptions that things are still hard for women to find equal rights.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Sorry I have not been posting a lot lately, I've just been a busy hen! I have 3 children with birthday this month and one in August, 3 of them being in the same week! Parties have been being planned like crazy! Mama also has a new gig selling Pampered Chef, so I've been busy trying to get that setup and going.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Mom's got a Brand New Bag (or BOX I should say)
So I signed up for Influenster and finally got my first box from them the other day. It's called the Vow Vox Box.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Full Face Ipsy Look on Louise! Hot Summer Look!
Here's a full look using just products I have gotten from Ipsy on my daughter "Louise"! I used her because she is definitely a "Summer Girl"!!! I hope you like it and that it helps you try a new look out!
Ipsy June 2014: Pretty in Paradise
This month I think Ipsy was in a hurry to get the bags out to us! I have had this bag for about a week and feel guilty about holding out on you but there was a small issue with one of the products in the bag and I was awaiting an email from the product company before I shared with you guys. So here is this month's goodies! I will soon be doing a full Ipsy products look using only the things they have sent to me!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Chocolate (secretly hidden zucchini) Cake
Yes you read that title correct, this cake has zucchini in it! But please relax you can't taste it and neither will the picky eaters! You don't even have to tell them its there! My children, luckily, love all the veggies I serve them! They will eat zucchini on pizza, in soups, and many times we either season and grill it or batter and deep fry it. But I am helping a friend get her family to include more vegetables in their diet without the fight. She said her husband is asking for chocolate cake for a cookout and she wanted to know if I had anyway of making that healthy! Believe it or not you can!
Saturday, June 7, 2014
The Other Side of Madness: Mom's Dirty Secret
I think it's time I let something go in my life that has been a lifelong struggle. This is different than my usual post and may offend some people. I know for my family this is a subject that we tried to hide and don't really talk about. But for me growing up it was an everyday thing. My dad, my brother, and myself were at many times alone in our fight to deal with my mother's mental health issues. This is an account of my own personal experience with her and what it was like to grow up the child of a woman with untreated mental illness.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Campfire Cooking!!!
I love summer break with my kids, we have no schedule to work around except my husband's work schedule! Camping is always fun, even if it is just the back yard! Ours currently looks like a jungle since our mower broke! Cooking over a fire doesn't have to be just marshmallows and hot dogs on a stick! These packets can be made ahead at home and thrown in the cooler until ready to throw on the fire!
Friday, May 23, 2014
Ipsy May 2014: Fresh Picks
Sorry for not posting in a long time, I've just been adjusting to having a an extra baby and working him into our routine and trying to work my life with 7 other children around breast feeding the new one. This post is really late, I know, but trust me when I say it's nothing special! This month's Ipsy Bag was bad, boring, and disappointing, but you can't always get amazing stuff 100% of the time!
Saturday, May 3, 2014
At 2:02 pm eastern time yesterday May 2, 2014 Mom gave birth to a healthy 8 lb 9 oz baby boy named Jeriah Tobin!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Homemade Facial Scrub
With all the hype about microdermabrasion lately I'm sure you've had questions about it too! The idea of loading my face with acidic chemicals scares me though. I've had one professional facial with a peel done and my face was raw and felt burned after for days. When I went to my doctor I was told that I had a chemical burn from the scrub used. It seemed that something I was trying to do to make my skin better was at risk of damaging it. So I started looking into a more natural alternative and here is what I came up with!
Thursday, April 24, 2014
No Baby Yet!
Little Mister has not gotten here yet but according to my doctors we have reached the anyday now point of no return!
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Sweet Treats for My Lack of Posts: Mom's Peach Cobbler
I've had a lot to handle lately. We found out on Wednesday past that I may deliver sooner than expected. Actually more than likely much sooner. My husband can't get his vacation sooner either so now I've just been hoping he doesn't come before a Wednesday because Mr. Mom is off on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. SO...needless to say I've not felt like even getting up much less putting on makeup or being a girl! But to make up for the lack of makeup, here is my recipe for homemade peach cobbler.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Ipsy April 2014: Beauty Rocks
Ipsy has sent out another awesome bag this month. Being 19 months pregnant and having a stress filled week of oral surgery, toddler allergy and asthma, and Thelma trying to break her leg jumping from her top bunk to across the room (luckily she only bruised it really badly and no bones were damaged) opening my mailbox to see that shiny pink package was a highlight of the week! I love it when I get mostly makeup in my bag.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Toddler and Surgery
I haven't posted much this week because I have a 2 yr old with monster allergies and my 4 yr old was having some oral surgery to fix a few damaged teeth.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Review Request: Local Place the Jefferson Pizza Kitchen
I've had several friends ask me to post a review of a local restaurant. It's called The Jefferson Pizza Kitchen. A local pizza joint in town that my son and many other local teens love (probably because of the lock ins they are so fond of doing overnight). My husband and I have actually tried eating at this place several times only to be disappointed. Not because of the food but because we weren't able to actually get any. The first 2 times we tried the line was so long that after standing there for over thirty minutes we gave up and went to Subway next door. The next was calling in an order only to be told they had run out of pizza dough.
However the other day we managed to obtain a pizza! (I'm sure it's not really that hard to get)
However the other day we managed to obtain a pizza! (I'm sure it's not really that hard to get)
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Monkey's Banana Nut Bread
My oldest has asked for a banana nut bread for his birthday this year. So here's the recipe while I have it out! I hope your monkeys like it as much as mine do!
Mom's Homemade Brownies
Here's a recipe for homemade brownies I make at home for the minions! I hope you like it too! It's quick and easy!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Selfies and Self Image
I was watching the news this morning and saw a bit about how the selfie movement is causing an increase in plastic surgeries. They were saying that taking pictures of your self is causing more people to become insecure over how they look than ever before. As a person who has been told I have Body Dysmorphic Disorder I didn't realize that others may develop this illness just from looking at pictures of themselves.
Friday, March 28, 2014
We Got Ripped Off
I just wanted to warn others in my area about a scam artist posing as a car dealership. I can't post their name but I can tell you it sounds like Lavanders and they are located in Gainesville Georgia.
Versatility of White Eye Liner
Most people pass up a white or light colored eye liner because it's not your basic black or brown they are used to, but there are so many uses for a white liner that far outgo just lining the eyelids.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
I Bought the Coastal Scents Mystery Box!
So at the urging of friends I bought the Coastal Scents Mystery Box to see if it was really worth the $19.95 price with $5.74 shipping and handling. Was it really worth it?
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Sorry for not posting as often I am currently dealing with an allergic reaction on my face that isn't so pretty! But it is now cleared up and I will have a new how to post and a few more reviews for you this weekend!
Stay pretty!
Stay pretty!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Review Update: Day 8
Well the Sally Hansen nail polish strip is starting to crack. There is also a little chipping along the cuticle edge as well. The 2 original nail polishes on the ring and little fingers have also started to chip off. The O.P.I. showing the most wear over the cheaper $1 polish.
Homemade Loaded Potato Soup Recipe
Here's one of my family's favorite dinners! Serve it in a nice hard crusted bread bowl for a yummy touch! This is not a low fat meal but I'm sure there can be a few changes to lower the fat if you like. We eat this as a delicious creamy bad weather pick me up! I hope you enjoy it too! This can also be made in the crock pot.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Review Update: Day 6 This Thing Has gotta Go
Well this update was sooner than I had expected, but I can no longer deal with this ragged thing snagging on everything and especially my hair! This is the Maybelline New York nail sticker.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Everyday look using nothing but Ipsy!
I've been asked to do a look using some of the products I got in my monthly Ipsy Bags, so here is a full face look using nothing but the products I have gotten from them. I hope you enjoy it!
Review Update: Day 5
So five days ago I applied the 5 different nail products to my hand. Here is what I have after 5 days of wear.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Review: Battle of the Nail Products
This is a review I was asked to do by a friend to show a full trial run of the products she sells, Jamberry Nail Wraps. I have also been asked how these things compare to other comparable items on the market and also how they compare to nail polish itself. I decided to also do a mini review while doing this comparing nail polishes on different ends of the cost scale. Here is my start. I will wear these until they reach the end of their use! I will post blogs as it happens.
Ipsy March 2014: Destination Beauty
After so many months being spoiled with jam packed bags from Ipsy. I only got four things this month, however, I'm not complaining!
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March 2014: Destination Beauty |
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Review: Maybelline Line Stiletto Liquid Liner
I recently tried out the Maybelline New York Line Stiletto liquid liner and I hate to say this product is something you can live without!
SSDD: Old Rant New Day!
I've complained about this in a previous post and I'll say it again. Why do people feel the need to go into stores and destroy things in the makeup aisle?
Jamberry Nail Wraps
Since I placed the link for Jamberry Nail Wraps I have had a few messages asking what they are. Well, honestly, I had never heard of them until my friend told me about them. I will be doing a full review and comparison soon with these. I will compare them to Sally Hansen's Nail stickers and regular nail polish wear. So what ARE they?
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Stupid Food Allergies
When most people think of food allergies they think of the most common ones, eggs, peanuts/nuts, milk, but not many people think about other things. Like mine, I'm allergic to capsaicin. Most people don't even know what that is.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Review: Kristy Katura Photography
Recently we wanted to have family pictures made. Simple enough, unless you have an extra large family! One thing I found was that many photographers wouldn't even touch a large group that included young children. Another is that many of them will either try to rip you off by charging a ridiculous amount per person in the pictures or they will charge such a high amount for the sitting that it makes it pretty obvious they want to say no but don't want the bad publicity. Luckily for us Kristy Katura Photography was in our area and was willing to tackle the challenge!
New Section
If you have noticed that over there ---> I have added something new called "Things I Found Interesting". These are links to other webpages and blogs that I have enjoyed lately. If it is a business I will also post a review of them in a full blog post! Some of these businesses may be local to my area and some may not be! They are just either places that I have found exceptional services or just blogs that I have enjoyed reading lately!
St. Patrick's Day Drug Store Look!
Here is a sweet and smokey drug store look for St. Patrick's Day to keep you from being pinched! I used mostly the lower end drug store brands to make this look ultra affordable! Feel free to add or remove any step to make it work for you!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Review: Zoya Nail Polish Wear
I've had a suggestion of doing a timed wear review of drug store products and other popular brands. My first will be a nail polish Ipsy loves to send us.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
Valentine's Day Boo!
Well, we were a little snowed in for Valentine's Day and I was unable to get my posts up with the day/night look. I still plan to get it posted by the end of the week. I also have my February Ipsy bag to review and post as well. Our internet was down for a few days. Which sucks, I can't post from my phone. But, luckily all that we lost was internet service for a few days as there were people around us who were without power for several days.
I know snow doesn't sound so big a deal for some, but I live in Georgia and we just don't get it very often. Our state doesn't have things prepared in advance because of this lack of snow. But the last time we got any was 3 years ago! So I'm sure we won't get any again for another few years!
I know snow doesn't sound so big a deal for some, but I live in Georgia and we just don't get it very often. Our state doesn't have things prepared in advance because of this lack of snow. But the last time we got any was 3 years ago! So I'm sure we won't get any again for another few years!
Saturday, February 8, 2014
RANT ALERT:: Product Vandals
After my resent visit to 3 different stores looking for products to help create my upcoming Valentine's Day/Night looks I was disgusted by the things I found. Now prepare for a rant!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Makeup Application Mistakes and Fixes
Everyone does this! You're rushing to get dressed, trying to manage the kids, trying to get out the door at the last minute and you over apply blush. What do you do now there's no time to wash your face or start over? There are many simple tricks I have learned over time that I want to share with you. These have helped me out at the last minute and it beats telling everyone you have a fever!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Birthday Smokey Eye Look!
Today is my birthday! Here's the smokey eye look I'll be wearing for whatever dad has planned for me! I hope you enjoy this and find it easy to do yourself!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Early Menopause and Mom's Story
I know by now you've picked up that I am expecting a new little gift, but he almost wasn't because of dietary issues. Here's my story about how mayonnaise almost sent me into the change of life at 35! I hope it helps any ladies out there not feeling quite themselves lately.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Basic Skincare
Every person knows that you have to wash your body and your face! That's a given but what if you have certain needs like dry skin or oily skin? Well here are a few of my basic routines for my skincare.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Welcome to my blog
I've decided to start this blog to share the knowledge I've had to gain the hard way about life, beauty, and fashion! I know I am not the only one out there who doesn't have the time or the money that Kim K has for looking my best! So here's a little about myself!
1. I have 7 children and another on the way soon! They are from 17 to 2 yrs!
2. I'm a married stay at home mom!
3. I am 36 (for a few more days)
4. I don't have the perfect skinny size zero body!
5. I am self taught and do not have a license to do hair or makeup, these are tips and tricks I have learned from trial and error over the years.
6. I love helping others see their own beauty!
7. Again, I am a stay at home mom, so I can't afford expensive high end products! But I do know several tips and steps to get a high end look from drug store, thrift, and hand-me-down items to look like you are sporting a million dollars!
I hope that my blog helps others with things they are having a hard time with. I hope that everyone can find their own inner beauty and realize that just because you can't afford expensive clothes and makeup or have your hair and nails styled once a week by a professional doesn't mean you can't rock a glamour life! I have children so don't be surprised if one post is about hair dye and the very next is about crafting with a 2 yr old! I will try to get a new post up weekly.
1. I have 7 children and another on the way soon! They are from 17 to 2 yrs!
2. I'm a married stay at home mom!
3. I am 36 (for a few more days)
4. I don't have the perfect skinny size zero body!
5. I am self taught and do not have a license to do hair or makeup, these are tips and tricks I have learned from trial and error over the years.
6. I love helping others see their own beauty!
7. Again, I am a stay at home mom, so I can't afford expensive high end products! But I do know several tips and steps to get a high end look from drug store, thrift, and hand-me-down items to look like you are sporting a million dollars!
I hope that my blog helps others with things they are having a hard time with. I hope that everyone can find their own inner beauty and realize that just because you can't afford expensive clothes and makeup or have your hair and nails styled once a week by a professional doesn't mean you can't rock a glamour life! I have children so don't be surprised if one post is about hair dye and the very next is about crafting with a 2 yr old! I will try to get a new post up weekly.
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