Little Mister has not gotten here yet but according to my doctors we have reached the anyday now point of no return!
I don't know about other moms but I hate this point. I have planned c-sections but from 37 weeks out they usually have me on labor watch. I can't stand the not knowing. I go to bed each night worried my water is going to break in the bed or that I'm going to be standing in line at the grocery store (even though I'm not supposed to be there)!
My family starts telling me how they are praying for a nice natural delivery this time. While I know they mean well I wished they were a little more understanding of things. I'm not too posh to push, I've had 4 children natural, I am unable to deliver naturally anymore. I had major complications during my 6th pregnancy that caused serious scarring on my cervix that prohibits me from ever being able to deliver natural again. I'd much rather go natural than a c-section, because for me natural labors were so quick that I wasn't in pain for very long at all. So babies #6, #7, #8, and soon to be #9 are all delivered surgically. (Just for those keeping count #1 was natural, #2 was an emergency c-section, and then #3, #4, and #5 were the fabled VBAC)
Even though I know they are trying to encourage me a few have made the comment that I just don't want to wait to push. Cause you know what woman in her right mind would opt to have a major surgery that takes weeks to heal in lieu of a totally natural process that doesn't take so long. Well all I have to say for them is try it.
But now I'm on the baby watch phase where I've made it to the end with no complications so the c-section is scheduled at 39 weeks, 2 weeks from now. I had some regular contractions but not much else the other night but it's still too early to decide if it's active labor. SO I get to sit and wait on this pain to get worse or for two weeks to hurry up! If my water should break or I start to dilate past 3 cm they would go ahead and deliver him. But for now we just wait.
So even if you have the world's worst mom you should give her a little credit for being able to wait out 9 months to get you here!
Sorry for whining but I just feel like that's all I have left that I can do right now.
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