Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Empty Stocking

Many times each year I sit and listen to my children complain about the candy in their stockings, or fight over who got more. Many times they snatch them down and attack them like rabid dogs, not once giving a care to the time and effort I put into filling them.

I don't mind it really. Hung among theirs is one lone stocking that gets hung and never filled. It is always there but never noticed. Maybe since its been there their whole lives it never really crosses their minds that its even there. But it hangs there. Alone. Empty. That stocking makes me the saddest and I never really share why.

This one hung for three years with simple chocolates in it and textured toys, items that made noises when you moved them. This stocking did not hang on its fourth year. I held it for a few hours deciding if I should or not. In the end it was just too sad to hang it and it went away with the ornaments that didn't get hung that year.

For years to come I decided that stocking needed to hang, if only as a reminder of why it doesn't bother me for the kids to treat theirs the way they do. Why their excitement is ok. It is a reminder that one day those stocking could be hung empty. That one day their owners may not be there to attack them like pirates after loot.

That stocking belongs to my child who passed away when he was 3.

Remember that when you become over stressed about the holidays, or your kids would rather play with the boxes than the awesome remote controlled car with the flashy lights. Sit back and take it all in and think about how much those memories would mean to you if they were all you had left. Be kind, be loved, be loving.

Most of all breath.


Monday, October 19, 2015

Product Review! Lilla Rose

So it's been a while since I have done this. I've just been hiding under a rock. Not doing my hair or dressing up! LOL! But these hair clips are amazing. I was asked to give them a try and really looking at the design I thought they were going to suck. I thought I was going to have to keep fighting it to stay closed or to get it to stay in my hair. I was sent two clips to review. A regular size and their mini size. My hair is really short right now. (I has hair cut regrets! :S )

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lipstick and Lesbians

So the news has hundreds of different things on about "Gay Rights" lately. From people refusing to issue marriage license to same sex couples to gay pride parades from both sides of the fence. What I don't get is who the fuck gave these assholes the "right" to say that another human being doesn't have rights?

Monday, September 7, 2015

Being the Other Woman

My husband is going to make a baby with another woman and I am completely ok with it. I guess not many women would be as happy as I am that my husband produced a child with someone other than them and actually still love them. I am though, I am completely at peace with it.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Today is my oldest brother's birthday! Happy birthday to my baby brother! I love you! I hope today the angels sing for you!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Birds and the Sun

I've been letting a lot of shit get to me lately. I try to fix everything for everyone. I worry so much about my family and my friends that I forget I need to take care of myself too. I put more effort into making everyone else happy than I do myself. With 8 kids that's usually a full time job; trying to make everyone happy. There is a train that runs through my backyard every morning at 5 am. It always wakes my 3 yr old up.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

What the Fuck is Wrong With People?

So on October 19, 2014, 12 days before our third anniversary we decided that for our fifth anniversary we would do a vow renewal. Ever since then I have caught hell from everyone I have told about it. Either its a stupid idea, its a waste of their time, we don't deserve it, or I'm supposedly only doing it because my brother and his LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG time girlfriend are finally getting married. I was so looking forward to this and finally having my dream wedding. But it seems after getting my hopes up I may be cancelling it now and it's just not in the cards for me to have such a happy event of my own.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Body Image and Learning to Love Myself Again

My weight gain is a huge power struggle for me and myself. I have been trying to learn to love me again. To be selfish. To deal with my own demons.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mom's Home and She Wants To Be An Asshole

So as obvious by my lack of posts I've been away. I would normally apologize but I don't really feel like I should have to anymore. I love having readers and trying to help others out but I can't rightfully say I am sorry for taking time on myself and my family.